Diploma Theology Course Details

BTH110 Between the Testament

BTH110 Between the Testament is a 3 units course. The New Testament begins with the Romans ruling Palestine.  The throne is occupied by an Idumaean king named Herod.  At the end of the Old Testament, the Persian Empire ruled Palestine.  The throne of Israel was occupied by a Jewish king named Zerubbabel.  The time between the Old Testament and New Testaments is about four hundred (400) years, 445 B.C. to 4 B.C. These four hundred (400) years can be divided into four (4) groups, known as the Persian Period, the Greek Period, the Maccabean Period, and the Roman Period.

BTH106 Bible Doctrines/First Principles               

BTH106 Bible Doctrines/First Principles is a 3 units course. “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in Him:  Rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving” (Col. 2:6-7). This series of lessons is designed especially for you, to establish you upon a spiritual foundation.  It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 7:24-25, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.” Many things taught in this class may seem very elementary and basic.  We must have a clear understanding of the truths of God’s Word for it is knowing the truth that makes us free, and Jesus is that truth.

BPA111 Foundations of Faith I/Studies in Learning                              

BPA111 Foundations of Faith I/Studies in Learning is a 3 units course. As we enter into the study of Foundations of Faith – Studies in Learning, let us first do a study on the “Introduction of Faith.”  Faith is absolutely necessary in studying the Word of God.  Hebrews 11:6 states that “…without faith it is impossible to please God…”  When we come to God, we must believe that He is and that He rewards them, which diligently seek Him.  As students of the Bible, when we read and search the Scriptures, we must do it in faith.  Faith allows the anointing to flow and revelation knowledge to come forth.  Faith at this point causes the dry ink on the page we are reading to come alive, leap off the page into our hearts.  Let us enter into our study on the faith.

BTH241 Introduction to Bible Theology 1                                                    

BTH241 Introduction to Bible Theology 1 is a 3 units course. The Bible is the most important book in the world and should be every Christian’s textbook.  The study of the Scripture is a lifetime project and is proven to be the most productively profitable study any person can possibly make.  Dr. C. I. Scofield (major contributor to the Scofield Bible) said, “Many Christians freely confess that they find the study of the Bible weary work.  More find it so who are ashamed to make the confession.”  It is believed that this basic study will help bring weary work into the realm of exciting endeavor

BTH252 Introduction to Bible Theology 2                                          

BTH252 Introduction to Bible Theology 2 is a 3 units course. The purpose of this Commentary is to give you an overview of the Bible and to introduce you to the study of Theology. We will pick up where we left off in Introduction to Bible Theology I, with outlines of the New Testament.

MIS111 Introduction to Personal Evangelism                                               

MIS111 Introduction to Personal Evangelism is a 3 units course. Christians have opportunities to witness and to win others to Christ, but how can they succeed when they do not know what to do or say?  After a class in Personal Evangelism, a student asked, “Do you know why I am taking this course?  Let me tell you.  At work a fellow invited me to his house for supper.  When the meal was over, he turned to me and said, ‘I am not a Christian, but I am deeply concerned.  I know that you go to church, so I thought maybe you could help me.’  Do you know what I had to tell him?  I had to say that I would see if my Pastor would call on him.  I do not want that situation to happen again, and that is why I am taking this course.” Then, one day in a Christian Book Store, a stranger came in and asked, “Where are your books on Personal Evangelism?”  He was told on what shelf to look.  After glancing at them for a few brief moments, he asked, “Do you have a book that will tell me what to say?  I’ll bet I can quote a hundred (100) passages of Scripture, but how do you use them?  How do you know what to say?” So the purpose of this course is to show Christians how to memorize Scripture and how to use specific passages in leading a seeking soul to the Saviour.

CED111 Life Management God’s Way                                    

CED111 Life Management God’s Way is a 3 units course. As Christians we need to make decisions that will change our entire life.  These decisions are threefold: 1.  When we decide to give our lives totally to Christ. 2. When we decide to be all we can be in life.  This is when we refuse to settle for less than we can be.  3. When we decide to raise our standards, our values and our expectations in life. This will be the beginning of an exciting journey towards our destiny, a journey that could take us to many nations around the world.  These decisions could enable us to meet people who can help change us and bring new adventure and excitement into our lives. There is power in making a decision.  Everything that happens in our lives, including success or failure, begins with a decision.  Our destiny is shaped by our decisions.  The decisions we make today will determine our tomorrow=s, the future.  For example, what we are today is the result of our past. We may have decided to go to high school, college or Bible school, or not to. We may have decided to get married, have children, or not to. We may have decided to buy or to build a house, or not to.  We may have decided to make a career move, go into business, or not to.  We may have decided to get into debt, or not to. Every decision we make has an outcome.  The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny.  There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages.  There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. Our decisions, not our environment, will determine our destiny.

BNT100 NT Survey I                     

BNT100 NT Survey I is a 3 units course. This is a brief synopsis of inter-testamental history or the four hundred (400) silent years from Malachi to Matthew as it concerns the Jews.  No study of the Bible is complete that does not take into consideration the events of the four hundred (400) years which elapsed between the Old and New Testaments.  During this time no inspired writer, historian, or prophet appeared.  Unbroken by revelation, this period is called the A period of silence. The last prophetic voice of the Old Testament was that of Malachi, and the first in the New Testament that of John the Baptist.  During this period of time, Judea was subject to Persia until about 330 B.C. at which time the empire of Greece was established as a world power under Alexander.  In 167 B.C., under the Maccabees, we see Jewish independence. But, in 63 B.C., Judea came under Roman sway, and was subject to Rome at the time of the birth of Christ.

BOT111 OT Survey I                                                    

BOT111 OT Survey I is a 3 units course. Both the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures.  The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament.  Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.

BOTI22 OT Survey II                                                  

BOTI22 OT Survey II is a 3 units course. Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. There are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation. The Old Testament is extremely valuable to us as far as beginnings are concerned, giving us understanding of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. The Divine revelation of the Old Testament is invaluable to us today.

BPA131 Prayer I, Types and Necessity                                         

BPA131 Prayer I, Types and Necessity is a 3 units course. If there are circumstances in your life that need to be changed, prayer is the answer. To attack the problems at their spiritual root is the fastest way to see changes, not only in circumstances but also in people. Most people have things about themselves that they do not like. The majority of them would change them immediately if they could. Intercession before God, on that person=s behalf will help changes come in their life. Sometimes confronting a person on the temporal level only can hinder the work that God will do in the spiritual. We must use discernment over each circumstance. Jesus was acutely aware of how prayer changes the natural.  He separated Himself from everyone and prayed early, in solitude, Mark 1:35. Jesus knew the importance of attacking problems at their spiritual roots. Jesus was a man of prayer. He spent many hours alone with God interceding over the destiny of man and what part He was to play in it. In Luke 22:31-32, while talking to Peter, Jesus disclosed the enemies plan against Peter. The intercessory prayer of Jesus stopped the ultimate plan of attack against Peter. This prayer from the spiritual caused the ministry of Peter to be successful in the natural.

BPA120 Praise Life   

BPA120 Praise Life is a 3 units course. God’s infallible Word contains everything we need to become and do what He has ordained for each one of us.  We can accomplish this once we have been reborn spiritually and have given authority to Holy Spirit to bring us into the realm of His purpose for us.  There are emphases placed by God on certain aspects of His provision for a fruitful and victorious life here on earth.  Receiving Christ is, of course, of utmost importance.  Faith is very critical.  Repentance and forgiveness keep us under the blood of Jesus. This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory.  It is called praise.  Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning.  Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is A kingdom on earth@ useful.  Praise is a weapon necessary in the midst of the combat of spiritual warfare, a place assured to the mighty in faith.  Praise is to our faith like breath is to our physical body.  Without the knowledge and understanding of the importance of the power and might of praise, we cannot become complete in the hand of God.

BPA260 Awareness to Church Government

BPA260 Awareness to Church Government is a 3 units course. When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up.  We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established. People who have awakened to the authority of God’s Word today realize that God’s Word works for healing just like it works for Salvation.  However, there is one thing we have to realize when we read the Word of God on any particular subject and that is that God gives us the guidelines and principles in His Word, but He leaves the responsibility of how to apply those guidelines and principles to us. Let us look at the area of healing.  The Word of God tells us that Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses, but it does not tell us exactly how to receive that healing.  We have heard of people who learned that you have to “stand” on the Word to be healed. They believed exactly what they heard, threw their Bibles on the ground, stood on them and got healed.  But that does not mean that you will get healed if you go home and put your Bible on the floor and stand on it.

BPA222 Faith 2

BPA222 Faith 2 is a 3 units course. In this course, the objective is to discover by Scripture what faith is and what faith is not.  This discovery is vital to the Believer, since it is by faith that we please God. Paul declares that “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Ro.14:23).  This is a powerful statement.  Whatever the Believer does must be done by faith.  Remaining in the realm of faith will keep the Believer from sin. Strong’s defines the word “faith” as coming from the Greek word “pistis” meaning, “persuasion, credence, moral conviction, of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher, especially reliance upon Christ for salvation.”  It also means “constancy in such profession.”  It is assurance and belief.  The Greek word “pistis” is from another Greek word “peitho,” meaning to convince by argument, true or false. When we put this together we discover faith is first and foremost trust in God.

BNT215 General Epistles

BNT215 General Epistles is a 3 units course. The General Epistles are letters written to the Church in the first century AD by apostles other than Paul. They are James, 1 and 2, Peter, 1, 2, and 3, John, and Jude. They are called the general epistles to distinguish them from the Pauline epistles, which precede them in the New Testament. They were written to the entire Church rather than to a specific branch.

BPA230 God’s Authority in the Believer

BPA230 God’s Authority in the Believer is a 3 units course. God’s original design in all of His creation included the element of order.  Without order there is chaos, confusion, lack of direction and unity; utter spiritual and natural nonsense.  Without order, no design or plan can effectively unfold and become complete.  The excellence of things created by God is pleasing to Him and that is obvious in examining all He has done.  Excellence is seen in what God has designed in nature. Timeless natural laws police the ongoing activity of the universe and keep in order and excellence the place God has provided for the unfolding of His relationship with His children.  We see the excellence of His doing in the beauty of and working of every aspect of natural creation.  Everything is in and by His excellent order and plan.  Order is both a noun and verb.  God orders or announces (verb) a plan by His authority and power and then He maintains the working of that plan in order (noun), a sequential design by which all things occur by His approval, His authority, and His command.  The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer.  It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.

BNT214 New Testament Studies 1

BNT214 New Testament Studies 1 is a 3 units course.  In Mark 1:1, we read about the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is God=s good news concerning His Son. The good news is the Gospel. It means good news, the good news that God has acted to save the dying human race. He brings salvation through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Lk.4:18-21; 7:22; Jn.3:16). Wherever this Good News is proclaimed in the power of the Spirit, it comes with authority (1Co.2:4; Ga.1:11; Mt.28:18-20). It reveals God=s righteousness (Ro.1:16-17), and it demands repentance (Ro.1:15; Mt.3:2; 4:17). The Gospel of Jesus Christ convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment (Jn.16:8). It creates faith and brings salvation and life (Ro.10:17; Php.1:27; Ac.2:33, 38-39; Ro.1:16; 1Co.15:22; 1Pe.1:23). The Gospels deliver from sin and Satan when the message is accepted and applied to our lives (Mt.12:28; Ac.26:18; Ro. chapter 6). It brings hope, peace (Co.1:5, 23; Ep.2:17), and immortality (2Ti.1:10). If the Gospel is refused and rejected, it brings condemnation and eternal death (Jn.3:18). In Luke=s preface (Lk.1:4), we read what others have written. What Luke proposes to write and what his, Luke=s purpose is. John=s prologue (Jn.1:1-5) tells us of Jesus pre-existence, His relation to God, His relation to things and His relation to man. In John=s Gospel we read that John the Baptist came to testify concerning Jesus (Jn.1:6-13). John testifies that Jesus is the true light that some had believed and received. John’s Gospel tells us that Jesus became the Incarnate Word (Jn.1:14-18). He was full of truth and manifested God=s glory. Jesus is/was incomparably better than John the Baptist and greater than Moses. Only Jesus adequately reveals the Father.

BTH101 Obedience

BTH101 Obedience is a 3 units course. There is much to consider when one thinks about obedience.  Obey, obedient, and obedience go against the nature of man.  Obedience is a subject in today’s world that is not very popular, but is required of the Believer in order to function in the nature of God. It seems that people can talk about anything as long as it does not involve following a set of laws, rules, and regulations.  In the past, obedience was almost always, “Don’t do this!” and “Don’t do that!”  Many times a set of rules or regulations are not necessarily in line with the Word of God, but may have to do with the “do’s” and “don’ts” of tradition.  Obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Bible.  Is this subject important to the body of Christ today?  Yes!  Salvation is not possible without obedience. Obedience goes even further than carrying out orders, commands, or wishes of another person.  In order for obedience to be of value in God’s Kingdom, a person’s obedience must be accompanied by a willing heart and a “proper attitude.”

BOT121 Old Testament Studies 1

BOT121 Old Testament Studies 1 is a 3 units course. Both the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures.  The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament.  Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story. Christianity did not emerge mysteriously out of a vacuum.  God had been moving among the peoples, especially Israel, for many centuries before Christ.  Then, “…when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, born under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Ga.4:4-5). To know the Old Testament is to know the religious, geographical and in part, the political setting of the New Testament. The Old Testament was the Bible of Jesus, the Apostles and New Testament writers.  When the Apostles spoke or wrote to the people, they quoted and referred to Old Testament history and teaching.

OT232 Old Testament Studies 2

BOT232 Old Testament Studies 2 is a 3 units course. The Old Testament consists of many distinct books by various authors produced over a period of centuries. Christians traditionally divide the Old Testament into four sections: the first five books or Pentateuch (which corresponds to the Jewish Torah); the history books telling the history of the Israelites, from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon; the poetic and “Wisdom books” dealing, in various forms, with questions of good and evil in the world; and the books of the biblical prophets, warning of the consequences of turning away from God. This course deals with the books from Joshua through to Esther.

BPA240 Preparation for Ministry 1

BPA240 Preparation for Ministry 1 is a 3 units course. When we read 1 Samuel 16:21, we sense a significant event in David and Saul’s lives: “And David came to Saul, and stood before him and he loved him greatly; and he became his armorbearer.” This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders.  What is an armorbearer and what does he do?  We see in the Old Testament that the armorbearer was a person highly responsible, being a protector and servant, carrying his master’s shield into battle.  Seeing to the safety of his leader, the armorbearer had an awesome responsibility. The armorbearer had an order to his life that revolved around his leader. God intends for us to have our priorities in order, so our prayer should be that God will touch our hearts and minds and do that for each of us. People of today tend to not know or even care about laying down their lives for any other person. If we know that we have been called into the ministry, then we should begin to find out about this concept, for it will be very important to the Christian who is called of God. The Church often expects others to wait on them, instead of moving into the life-style of Jesus, who was continuously offering Himself to meeting the needs of others. The attitude of Jesus toward serving His fellow man must become our attitude toward the man or woman of God.

BPA250 Preparation for Ministry 2

BPA250 Preparation for Ministry 2 is a 3 units course. God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue.  Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us.  He knows what He is doing and we do not.  Many, even up to 99% of Christians in each church have experi­enced the anointing of the Ministry of Helps, but somehow they were frightened by that anointing, and they ran away. For example:  One Sunday a Pastor got up and said, “We need a person to come in next week and clean the gymnasium floor with the machine we have.”  Quickly a member volunteered, their hand going up, and then that person suddenly thought it over a bit, and quickly pulled their hand down.  Why?  They pulled down their hand because of a thought such as, “What’s wrong with me?  I do not have that kind of time.”  At that moment, they experienced the Holy Spirit’s prompting, the anointing of the Ministry of Helps.  But they listened to the second thought and quickly removed themselves from under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, prompting them to the Ministry of Helps.

BTH121 Systematic Theology 1

BTH121 Systematic Theology 1 is a 3 units course. The intent of this course in Theology, (the study of God Himself), is to give you a deeper and more intimate understanding of the One True God. It will help you to understand the personage of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Trinity in unity, yet distinguishable by their specific attributes. This course will help you to understand the volume of God’s knowledge because His being, His knowing, and His doing is awesomely all there is.  His existence extends beyond what is. Through His Word, God shares a portion about Himself with us. The intent of this course is to help you become more familiar with Almighty God.  As you digest the material covered in this Commentary, be sure to receive, not only in order to know more about our Living God, but seek to come into a closer relationship with him (Da.11:32). Systematic Theology is the spiritual study of the God who, through His overwhelming love, has a desire for a family. His nature of unity, as a result, has brought about all of creation as the perfect environment for the a’gape relationship with the children of His family.

BTH221 Systematic Theology 2

BTH221 Systematic Theology 2 is a 3 units course. The Bible is as specific as God obviously chooses to be about the origin or creation of the universe.  Apparently God desires that man’s understanding about his beginning in the earth be understood spiritually rather than with point by point natural and physical explanation (Ge.1:26-27; 2:7). Theories abound in the attempt to prove that man is simply a mediate creation that he evolved from original creatures formed in the beginning or out of the original immediate creative act. Scripturally and spiritually, these explanations, theories, of man’s origin, a higher form of life with soul and spirit arising from a lower form, are unfounded. God actually created man last in the Genesis account, in a different way. God’s fingerprint is on man. The creation of the things and creatures of the universe were brought forth by the command, “Let us” and” God said.” These were the creative source (Ge.1:26), but God formed man from clay by His own hand (Ge.2:7). In man is found the only creature uniquely individual in all makeup from physical aspects (finger prints, color eyes, hair, etc.), to spiritual aspects, such as gifts and talents. Animals live to survive and reproduce while man lives to worship.