Awareness of Church Government

Awareness of Church Government Commentary

When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up. We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established.
People who have awakened to the authority of God’s Word today realize that God’s Word works for healing just like it works for Salvation. However, there is one thing we have to realize when we read the Word of God on any particular subject and that is that God gives us the guidelines and principles in His Word, but He leaves the responsibility of how to apply those guidelines and principles to us.

Faith II

Faith II Commentary

In this course, the objective is to discover by Scripture what faith is and what faith is not. This discovery is vital to the believer, since it is by faith that we please God.
Paul declares that “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Ro.14:23). This is a powerful statement. Whatever the believer does must be done by faith. Remaining in the realm of faith will keep the believer from sin.

General Epistle

General Epistle Commentary

Throughout his epistle, James develops the theme of the characteristics of true faith. He effectively uses these characteristics as a series of tests to help his readers evaluate the quality of their relationship to Christ. The purpose of this work is not doctrinal or apologetic, but practical. James seeks to challenge Believers to examine the quality of their daily lives in terms of attitudes and actions. A genuine faith will produce real change in a person’s conduct and character, and the absence of change is a symptom of a dead faith.

God's Authority in the Believer

God's Authority in the Believer Commentary

God’s original design in all of His creation included the element of order. Without order there is chaos, confusion, lack of direction and unity; utter spiritual and natural nonsense. Without order, no design or plan can effectively unfold and become complete. The excellence of things created by God is pleasing to Him and that is obvious in examining all He has done. Excellence is seen in what God has designed in nature.
Timeless natural laws police the ongoing activity of the universe and keep in order and excellence the place God has provided for the unfolding of His relationship with His children. We see the excellence of His doing in the beauty of and working of every aspect of natural creation. Everything is in and by His excellent order and plan. Order is both a noun and verb. God orders or announces (verb) a plan by His authority and power and then He maintains the working of that plan in order (noun), a sequential design by which all
things occur by His approval, His authority, and His command.

New Testament Studies I

New Testament Studies I Commentary

In Mark 1:1, we read about the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is God’s good news concerning His Son. The good news is the Gospel (Gr. “evangelion”). It means good news, the good news that God has acted to save the dying human race. He brings salvation through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Lk.4:18-21; 7:22; Jn.3:16).
Wherever this Good News is proclaimed in the power of the Spirit, it comes with authority (1Co.2:4; Ga.1:11; Mt.28:18-20). It reveals God’s righteousness (Ro.1:16-17), and it demands repentance (Ro.1:15; Mt.3:2; 4:17). The Gospel of Jesus Christ convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment (Jn.16:8). It creates faith and brings salvation and life (Ro.10:17; Php.1:27; Ac.2:33, 38-39; Ro.1:16; 1Co.15:22; 1Pe.1:23).


Obedience Commentary

There is much to consider when one thinks about obedience. Obey, obedient, and obedience go against the nature of man. It is not natural for man to live a life for someone else. Obedience is a subject in today’s world that is not very popular, but is required of the Believer in order to function in the nature of God.
It seems that people can talk about anything as long as it does not involve following a set of laws, rules, and regulations. In the past, obedience was almost always, “Don’t do this!” and “Don’t do that!” Many times a set of rules or regulations are not necessarily in line with the Word of God, but may have to do with the “do’s” and “don’ts” of tradition. Obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Bible. Is this subject important to the body of Christ today? Yes! Salvation is not possible without obedience.

Old Testament Studies I

Old Testament Studies I Commentary

Both the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.

Old Testament Studies II

Old Testament Studies II Commentary

Joshua is the Book about a land and a people. It is about the act of conquering and the victory of the Israelites in the Land of Canaan. The land is an inheritance promised by God, waiting to be occupied. The people are the elect nation of God, facing human obstacles in the way of taking the land. The obstacles are the occasion for battle, a holy war, designed by God to oust the idolatrous, polytheistic people, believers in many gods, and corrupt enemies, from the land. It is for this that Joshua is called the Book of Conquest.

Preparation for Ministry I

Preparation for Ministry I Commentary

This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders. What is an armorbearer and what does he do? We see in the Old Testament that the armorbearer was a person highly responsible, being a protector and servant, carrying his master’s shield into battle. Seeing to the safety of his leader, the armorbearer had an awesome responsibility. The armorbearer had an order to his life that revolved around his leader. God intends for us to have our priorities in order, so our prayer should be that God will touch our hearts and minds and do that for each of us.

Preparation for Ministry II

Preparation for Ministry II Commentary

God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue. Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us. He knows what He is doing and we do not. Many, even up to 99% of Christians in each church have experienced the anointing of the Ministry of Helps, but somehow they were frightened by that anointing, and they ran away.

Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology I Commentary

The intent of this course in Theology, (the study of God Himself), is to give us a deeper and more intimate understanding of the One True God. It will help us to understand the personage of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Trinity in unity, yet distinguishable by their specific attributes. This course will help us to understand the volume of God’s knowledge because His being, His knowing, and His doing is all there is. His existence extends beyond all that man knows. Through His Word, God shares a portion about Himself with us.

Systematic Theology II

Systematic Theology II Commentary

The Bible is as specific as God obviously chooses to be about the origin or creation of the universe. Apparently God desires that man’s understanding about his beginning in the earth be understood spiritually rather than with point by point natural and physical explanation (Ge.1:26-27; 2:7). Theories abound in the attempt to prove that man is simply a mediate creation that he evolved from original creatures formed in the beginning or out of the original immediate creative act. Scripturally and spiritually, these explanations, theories, of man’s origin, a higher form of life with soul and spirit arising from a lower form, are unfounded. God actually created man last in the Genesis account, in a different way. God’s fingerprint is on man.