Year Four

Christ Our Healer is an online course designed to help individuals explore the healing power of Jesus. Through a series of lectures, readings and interactive activities, participants will gain insight into how faith can be used as a tool for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The course covers topics such as prayer, meditation, forgiveness and self-care. It also provides practical advice on how to use these tools in everyday life. Participants will leave with greater understanding of the importance of faith in their lives and its potential for transformation…read more

Comparative Religions is an interdisciplinary course that explores the similarities and differences between various religious traditions. The course covers a range of topics, including mythology, ritual practices, ethics, cosmology, and more. Students will gain insight into how different religions have shaped cultures around the world throughout history. Through lectures, readings, discussions and field trips to local places of worship students will explore the diversity of beliefs in our global society today…read more

Comparative Religions is an interdisciplinary course that explores the similarities and differences between various religious traditions. The course covers a range of topics, including mythology, ritual practices, ethics, cosmology, and more. Students will gain insight into how different religions have shaped cultures around the world throughout history. Through lectures, readings, discussions and field trips to local places of worship students will explore the diversity of beliefs in our global society today…read more

Ethics and Excellence is a course designed to explore the ethical implications of decision-making in business. The course will cover topics such as corporate social responsibility, sustainability, environmental ethics, and globalisation. Students will be encouraged to think critically about how their decisions can impact society at large. Through case studies and discussions, students will gain an understanding of the importance of making ethical choices in order to ensure long-term success for businesses…read more

Hebrews is an ancient language that has been spoken for thousands of years. It was the primary language in Israel during biblical times and continues to be used today by Jews around the world. The study of Hebrew provides a unique insight into Jewish culture, history, and religion. Students will learn about grammar, syntax, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing skills as well as cultural aspects such as holidays and customs associated with this fascinating language…read more

Major Prophets is a course that explores the lives and teachings of some of the most influential prophets in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Students will learn about their historical contexts, religious messages, literary styles, and impact on later generations. The course also examines how these prophetic figures have been interpreted over time by different faith communities. By engaging with primary texts from each tradition as well as secondary sources such as commentaries and scholarly works, students will gain an understanding of how prophecy has shaped our world today…read more

Minor Prophets is a course designed to explore the lives and teachings of twelve prophets in the Old Testament. Students will gain an understanding of how these men were used by God to bring about His purposes, as well as learn lessons from their stories that can be applied today. The course covers topics such as prophecy, faithfulness, justice, mercy, repentance and more. Through lectures, readings and discussions students will gain insight into what it means to live faithfully for God in any situation or circumstance…read more

Pauline Epistles II is a professional life coach and motivational speaker. She has been in the industry for over 15 years, helping individuals reach their goals and dreams through her unique coaching style. Her courses focus on personal development, goal setting, time management, stress relief techniques and more. With an emphasis on practical application of knowledge gained during each session, she helps people to make lasting changes that will bring them closer to achieving their desired outcomes…read more

Prayer II is a course designed to help students develop their prayer life. It focuses on the importance of connecting with God through prayer and how it can be used as an effective tool for spiritual growth. The course covers topics such as developing your own personal prayer style, understanding different types of prayers, learning how to pray effectively in times of need, and exploring ways to deepen your relationship with God through prayer. Students will also learn about the power of intercessory prayer and its impact on our lives…read more

Spiritual Warfare II is a course designed to help students understand the spiritual warfare that exists in our world today. The course will cover topics such as demonic forces, angels and their roles, how to recognize spiritual attacks, and strategies for overcoming them. Students will learn about different types of prayer and meditation techniques that can be used to protect themselves from evil influences. They will also gain an understanding of the power of faith and its role in defeating spiritual enemies. Through this course, students will develop the skills necessary to fight against darkness with light…read more

Systematic Theology IV is a course designed to provide an overview of the major doctrines and teachings in Christian theology. It covers topics such as God, creation, sin, salvation, eschatology (the study of last things), ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church) and ethics. Students will be exposed to various theological perspectives on these topics from both historical and contemporary sources. This course also provides students with an opportunity to explore their own beliefs about Christianity through class discussions and written assignments…read more

The 5-fold Ministry is a system of church leadership that emphasizes the importance of five distinct roles: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. These ministries are designed to work together in order to build up the body of Christ and equip believers for service. This course will provide an overview of each role within the 5-fold ministry as well as how they interact with one another. It will also explore practical applications for these roles in today’s churches…read more